Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Presidental Debate Round 2

Tonight is the night!!!!!! Round 2 Obama vs Romney!!!! You are responsible for watching the debate and commenting in the area below....


  1. its only 15 min...and its getting crazy! :D

  2. Ive only watched the first hour of the presidential debate and Obama is deffinetly making up for the first debate. He is telling Mitt Romney where to go! Honestly everything that comes out of Mitt Romneys mouth is a lie and he is just not sincere. In my opinion he is a con-man. Obama is so right when he says Romney is not specific when he says he does not know how he is going to cut tax rates and what he is going to do with that money. Four weeks before the election Romney is trying to convince us americans that he is not trying to cut taxs on the wealthy, and that he is trying to lower them for the middle class. That is not true, he is going to do exactly what Bush did. If Romney were to be president we all would have a Great Depression #2.

  3. I felt that when Romney mentioned how he wants to help kids who graduate get jobs when they graduate sounded very fake to me. I also felt that Romney didn't have much to say for himself cause he just kept trying to tell the president off and make himself look good. President Obama accomplished most of the promises he said he would. And basically Romney is just full of himself & I also feel that Romney is just trying to say most of this to convince Americans too vote for him but if he gets elected which I hope he doesn't he will turn the US into a DISASTER!!!!

  4. This debate was far more intense than the first. To give a biased opinion I felt that Obama debated much better than his last debate. Romney and Obama did a lot of fighting this time around and Obama seemed to have more of a handle on the issues. On the other hand Romney did point out that Obama did not protect americans because an ambassador had been recently killed. Even though Obama was well prepared and had good rebuttals sometimes I wonder why has there not been more positive changes in the last 4 years.

  5. the debate was exciting the entire time. I felt that Obama definitely made up for how terribly that he did during the first debate. Romney never gave straight answers especially about the George Bush question. Obama seemed more professional this time and even bettering at arguing. I also watched channel 7 most people who asked questions are now leaning towards Obama because of how well he did in the debate so i don't think Romney was fully terrible he had good points, but Obama definetly won this one.

  6. Watching the debate I feel that Romney definitly won. Obama was constantly talking about himself and still didnt say what he plans on doing in the next 4 years IF he becomes president. I feel that Obama didnt do anything these past four years except put us more in debt and kill Osama Bin Laden which he didnt even do he just gave the "ok". Romney was on point and was able to answer all questions asked,I was shocked when I heard on the news and Romney brought it up during the debate that the day after the U.S. ambassafor and 4 americans were killed in Lybia Obama was at all these events in Las Vegas and having dinner with Beyonce and Jay Z, I feel that the presidents priorites are messed up

  7. I feel that this debate was very different from the first debate between obama and romney. overall i feel the Obama made up for his first debate. he was acting a lot more professional and was able to get right back at romney. i also feel that romney was very on point and answered all the questions that were asked of him. one of the main arguments that really hurt obama was when romney brought up the killing of the ambassador. at that point obama really had nothing to say since it was so recent in our history

  8. Obama took this debate hands down! He was quick with his responses ,as well as precise he did not hesitate to come back at Romney this time ... I think he most definitely learned from the 1st debate

  9. This debate was a coin toss. Romney was not able to give the knockout blow with the momentum he got the the first debate. Obama made up for himself by taking the a more aggressive stance. I felt the questions asked by the participates were well thought out as well as the responses given to them.

  10. I liked what Romney said about making college more affordable because that is a main priority of mine at the moment. I really liked Romney's five point plan to get more jobs in 4 years because that will effect me as well as the rest of the class when we get out of college. I felt Obama did speak a lot better than the first debate but I found myself not really believing the things he said because there hasn't been many positive things in the country the past four years.

  11. I think the Debate was very interesting and intense this time than the last Debate. Basically Obama and Romney were going at it. Romney was very aggressive and this time Obama became more aggressive as well. I liked that Romney mentioned about making colleges more affordable. I liked how he also mentioned about getting more jobs under his five point plan. I also believe Obama spoke more this time during the Debate and stuck up for himself. I feel that everything Obama has said, he hasn't done these past four years.

  12. President Obama defiantly had a better debate then the last time but does that mean that he won? Both canidates still talked about major issues. Romney still did what he needed to do by answering the questions asked to him in the right way. Obama seemed more comfortable in this debate and answered questions ten times better then he dis during the first debate..

  13. Tonight President Obama was on point-he stuck to the point answered the questions with true facts-he spoke to Mr.Romney as the president that has done what he has promised to do-Mr.Romney, tried to give some answers but of course he got tied up-because he can never give a straight answer about anything that he has proposed-tonight President Obama spoke with confidence and class as always-

  14. President Obama answered the questions better in this debate than he did in the first one. I felt he was much more comfortable and I feel ha had a better hand on things. Romney talked about college and jobs. Both of these issues are very important right now to me. Next year I will be in college and it is important that it is affordable. Jobs are a main issue now because so many people are getting laid off. It will be harder for our generation to find jobs so it is nice to know something will try to be done about this.

  15. Obama did a better job with this debate than the other . The facial expressions he was making when Romney was speaking were funny . i was actually dying . obama was more agressive in this one than the other debate. Romney was annoying. He did not give strong details and showed aolt of disrespect to many people. Obama definitely did a better job and attacked Romney more like he said he was going to.

  16. Obama came back with a vengance answering all questions on point but I'm still with Romney on this one. Major issues were addressed and both were on point. The one key thing that made me lean towards romney was when he spoke about college. The money issue is a problem right now and romney could resolve this.

  17. Obama and Romney definitely went at it during the debate. This one made Obama look better then the last one. I still think that Romney was good too, especially when he spoke about the job situation, and how he is going to get America back on track.

  18. The debate was interesting to see how President Obama and Romney talk to one another about their different thoughts and ideas for our country. But they did went at it , with one another, and that was awesome to witness, but Romney should have more respect, because he is talking with the president. But in my opinion, i think that Obama, one this debate! He was in the questions.

  19. In my opinion i believe that Romney won again. the part of the debate that really stood out to me is when they brought up the problems with Libya. Obama said that he had addressed all of the people whose family was lost. Romney came up with a point that Obama was on his Campaign for fundraisers. In my opinion that shows a lot about a person. that is why i believe that Romney had won.

  20. I felt that Obama had stepped up his game alot in his debate. Both Obama and Romney brought up major issues during the debate. I still felt as if Romney still won this debate. Romney and Obama both had very strong points during the debate. I like how Romney said he wanted to make colleges more affordable. Obama also had many strong points, and was able to answer questions better, but Romney was still on key. Romney was also very aggressive in the sense of he began to come off a little rude. I dont think he was prepared for Obama to fire back so quickly considering the last debate Romney had completely took over.
