Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Watch the Debate tonight and comment below... ALSO vote on who debated better in the poll to the right=============>


  1. I think the Presidential Debate was very strong and interesting. Both President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney had very strong points. In both their speeches, they talked alot about taxes. Governor Mitt Romney wanted to lower the taxes for the middle class. Also they both talked about boosting energy in America. President Obama stressed alot on education. He stressed that he wanted to hire more teachers.

    Governor Mitt Romney talked alot about lowering deductions to get more Jobs. He explained that he wanted to lower medical. Governor Mitt Romney also suggested that he wanted kids who were disabled to attend which ever school of their choice. He also explained the things that President Obama has and has not done for our country. President Obama also suggested to save money for wars. In my opinion, I think that both speeches were very strong and both Governor Mitt Romney and President Obama tried to get their points across.

  2. I thought the debate was very interesting. Both candidates tried to get their points across in the time that they had and each of them had some good points in the process of the debate. Romney talked about his plan to not raise taxes for the rich and create more jobs and Obama talked about health care and how it should be affordable and about Medicare and lower taxes for the middle class

    I thought Romney got his point across but was a little to energetic frequently interrupting the president, but I thought president Obama was more calm and relaxed but he seemed like he wanted the thing to end while Mitt looked like he could have kept talking. Overall the debate was very interesting.

  3. The debate was between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney starting at 9:00 to 10:30. There were a lot of issues that were talked about and each person took a turn to answer questions. The most important thing is that there are many people unemployed in America. Also there is a very large debt problem. Some of the questions were about the Economy. A lot of discussion was that both people wanted to create more jobs, find better energy sources and support the small business. Then they spoke about education and having more teachers and better schools. Another issue was around Social Security and Medicare and even about the military. Both promised trying to help the middle class. At the end Romney and Obama gave a summary of their promises and both have very different views. There were many back and forth promises that it was hard to believe anyone woul actually keep.

  4. the debate last night was between president barack obama and mitt romney. both candidates did what ever they could to get their point across. one main issue that was expressed by both candidates was taxes. Romney also voiced his opinion on job and medical. one of obamas main concern was to save money for war. both presidents talked about education and how they were going to fix the problems that went along with it

  5. Mitt Romney did work yesterday. Romney was aggressive but not to much so that he didnt offend others. The beginning of the debate had to do with a lot of numbers. Romney streathed the point that he wont make cuts to the military. they both agreed on the education but had different ways of doing it. Mitt Romney kept bringing up small buisnesses and how they are getting very high taxes. Romney was talking about the trickle down theory and saying that America will prosper. Romneys health care plan was to allow people to decide what kind of health care they want.

  6. Last night Romney won by being him self and Obama lost by being him self. Romney seemed eager in the discussion and he came up with better plans. His tax plans seemed better, and his health care seemed better. He made Obama look really bad out there. Romney sounded like he will make America Thrive once again.

  7. I think This debate was good debate and insterting one too. Romeny did a better job then Obama . Even though Obama is a way better speak then Romeny . Romeny was aggressive I like That , but he didnt oftend others though. Romeny had better plans than Obama . For example, people have a choice with health care they want and he wants to hire more teachers . He believes that any kid who's disabled they can go to any school They want . I liked that a lot . He cares for the people . I Like all of his ideas but I don't know if I can believe them.

  8. I think that both candidates had good ideas. Obama had a lot to say about jobs and education, which personally affects us as high school seniors. Romney wants to help small business and middle income families through trade and energy. Romney was very efficient in his speaking whereas Obama was smirking a lot which i found very unprofessional. Romney got back at Obama for saying things that weren't true about his tax plan. Romney's tax plan is different then what has been tried before, which can be good considering nothing has worked so far. Romney doesn't agree with Obama's healthcare program he said it cost people more than they were paying. Obama kept going over the time as well.

  9. during the debate I believe that Mitt Romney had done a better job then President Obama because he went into the debate more focused and prepared.However, I felt that Romney kept on cutting off Obama and really did not speak about his plans if were to become president, rather then he was more focused on speaking about what Obama has done and has failed to do during his presidency, but not as to where Romney would fix it. Obama had talked about his plans for the future. both candidates had very good ideas, but Romney was more on point, he had a very good argument with everything thrown his way. Many of the issues kept going back to a debate upon taxes. i do believe that each candidate should have more than two minutes to respond to an issue, so they could discuss their plan to fix the issue and not just what they want to do. In my opinion Romney "won" this debate because he was a strong speaker, Obama had began to stutter a lot and that also contributed to a weaker speech, it seemed more at a loss for words.

  10. During the debate, both candidates expressed the opinions and feelings towards main and important issues today. They both talked about what they would do to try and fix these problems. President Obama talked a lot about our education system and wanting to improve it. Mitt Romney talked about jobs and hiring more people. Mitt Romney was more excited and alive when he spoke as for when Obama spoke he was more slow and didn't really talk with any enthusiasm.

  11. In my opinion Mitt Romney did a better job at addressing issues then President Obama. I also think that it is very easy for Mitt Romney to talk about all the things that President Obama did not do. In the Presidents defense he does not know that much about Romney and what he is going to do. The first thing that was talked about was jobs and the President said that our economy is the worst it has been since the great depression and that is not a good sign. President Obama aslo talked about rebuilding the America. Jobs were a big topic for the two presidential candidates and they spent a pretty long time talking about them. One of the other big topics discussed were schools and teachers and the future of schools. Both Romney and the president basically agreed on where they need to be. Energy and oil production was discussed briefy and they had similar views. Probally the biggest topic of the night was taxes and tax cuts. Romney was throwing all different numbers out at the President and the president was pretty shocked.

  12. While watching the debate I really feel that Romeny did a much beter job than President Obama. Romeny was very confident in what he had to say and he knew all his facts. Where Obama looked very tired and almost confused by the fact that he kept stalling on what he had to say. In my opinion I found it sad that our President couldnt even handle the debate until the end where he sort of spoke up. Romeny really kept me interested in what he had to say also relating to people he had spoken to before the debates like people who lost their jobs.

  13. When I was watching the debate, i wasn't impressed by it all. i was very upset on what Obama was saying, and his actions wasn't powerful such as his speech. he wasn't focus on this, to me it seems like he doesn't want to be president anymore. he was keep saying the same things, about taxes, wars, families, and so much more but the thing is he was not explaining how. i wasn't happy with his speech.For Romney, he was so confident, so powerful, and his speech was so much better to listen to. He was very involved with "our" country, and how we can make things change for the good of the people!

  14. Both Obama and Romney are completely different candidates. Obama is very passive when he speaks and continued to stall and stutter , on the other hand Romney is very aggressive and seems to really know what he is talking about. Obama uses more hand movements while Romney moves his head more. It seemed Romney felt more comfortable and Obama seemed quite unsettled. Romney would stare constantly look at Obama when he spoke and was smiling. When Romney spoke Obama would stay serious and put his head down.

  15. Although Romney was very more adapt at debating, he also became very rude and had a tendency to cut people off. He also sounded like a child and very immature when he said "yes but I want the last word", I mean really how old is he and he is sounding like a five year old who wants his way. He was being completely disrespectful and un educated the entire time and he sounded hypocritical at times. Although Obama wasn't saying much and wasn't really "looking Romney in the eye", I think it was just a strategy. He's letting Romney win now so he can make a huge comeback later. I do believe Romney did the better job but he didn't really prove his point either. All he kept saying was "well when I'm president...", we needed to know his plans, we can't wait until he's president to figure that out.
