Thursday, January 3, 2013

Republican Civil War

Please watch/read the following articles/videos below and comment:

Republican Peter King

House Civil War


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As I watched the videos and read the articles, I saw how the House failed to fund Sandy. I believe that this is a horrible thing that the House failed to do. There are many innocent people who are suffering and have to wait for their relief for many weeks. There are many people out there who are still without jobs and a house and they have to wait a long time for relief because the House doesn't want to help them. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie blamed the House of Republicians and Speaker Boehner saying how they failed to help the people in need of relief. Rep Peter King, a republician from New York also agreed on the failure to vote on Sandy relief. I believe that this isn't right that the House isn't helping these innocent people who are suffering.

  3. Basically, Peter King wants to help the hurricane victims but his fellow party members do not agree. Mr. King is still going to try and help the hurricane victims even though the Republican party does not think they should.
    Chris Christie is trying to make the Republican party give $60 billion to the hurricane victims. Christie is not trying to make a controversy between the parties but he is trying to show the lack of concern that the Republicans have towards the hurricane victims. Chris Christie just wants them to be understanding of the situation.

  4. Peter King wants to help out sandy hurricane victims with economic aid. Yet many congress members do not agree with this aid plan. Many victims of hurricane sandy are displaced and have no homes and do not know which way to turn in the rebuilding phase. There is a lack of concern for sandy victims who do not have the funds to continue in there building process in order to get their lives back together. There should be more looked into the funds that should be provided.

  5. After watching and reading about " House failure to fund sandy relief triggers Republican civil war" Peter have ideas to help the people to get back on the feet, to have the lives back to normal but the only think that's stopping them is the members of congress. They are saying how they don't have enough money to give for the victims who were affect by sandy. For New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, he is blaming the House of Rep. of not working hard enough and not caring for the country.

  6. This is not surprising to me at all-why should the republicans care wheter people are cold or starving.Its not their concern obviously. They have done a lot of things in the past, and had the backing of many of their counterparts, now there very own party members are digusted by their lack of concern. Godd for the official that have decided to stand for what is correct-they have for once spoke out against this type of game playing at the dispense of the citzens in which they serve-I say Good for Gov Christie he never holds his tongue.

  7. After watching these videos, I clearly see how the Hurricane Sandy victims are not cared for. Some people still do not have homes and there are no funds to help out in re-building the homes of these victims.

  8. As I watched the video I saw that the Hurrican Sandy victums are being unfairly treated. The video shows that they are not giving them the effiecent funds needed during the terrible time for the people effected. People are comparing it to Katrina because the people who were effected are still rebuilding today and it seems like they got more funds then we are getting. Hopefully Congress can get together and settle this terrible dispute because alot of people need help.

  9. Both videos are about hurricane sandy funding and how all the money people donated for people affected is not being used and the house of representatives did not pass the bill for $60million to help these people. Gov. Chris Christie is very smart and obviously concerned for people who were not only affected in his state of New Jersey but also for the people affected in New York.

  10. Peter King wants to help the hurricane victims, but the rest of the Republicans in the House aren't helping him do so. They are turning down the bill to give money to those in need. Many people affected by the storm still aren't able to live in their houses and many other people's houses were condemned. These people need all the help they can get. Chris Christie is speaking out against his own party because he knows how badly people need help.

  11. The two videos about hurricane sandy funding truly show how much our government cares towards the situation. The government isn't giving efficient funds to help the people in need. Congress members refuse to agree with Peter Kings plan to help the victims of hurricane sandy. Chris Christie is just trying to show that the rebulican party doesn't really have a concern for the relief of hurricane sandy.

  12. I think it is nice to see a Representative like King so passionate to give the people he is representing help in a time of need. I think that amount of passion makes for a good representative and really allows the people to have an appreciation for what our and other states’ representatives do. I think it’s good of Gov. Christie of NJ and NY Gov. Cuomo to stand up for their states and the people that they are representing. It shows their character and how they aim to help their states, not just earn a sizable pay check.

  13. The videos about hurricane sandy were really interusting.. They showed how much people really do care about the situation.. Also Peter King really does want to help the victums and those affected by the horribble huricane sandy.. I truly believe that these victums should get all the help that they need as soon as possible...

  14. With hurricane sandy occurring over 2 months ago, the victims of Sandy have not yet recieved money by the government(FEMA) for the damages to their homes. Peter King says the reason behind this is that majority of republicans are against passing the senates package. Despite their differences between parties, both Peter King and Chris Christie plan to pass this package which contains $60 million dollars to help all Sandy victims.

  15. After all this time, victims of hurricane sandy are still affected and struggling. Republican Peter King understands what is going on and wants to help. However, the Republican Party is opposing the senate's package which would give 60 billion dollars to the victims. Pete actually went against his own party because he knows the right thing to do. Pete and Chris Christie, want to help those people with the Senate's package and everyone else that is against them should start to agree just because it is the right thing to do. I think Peter King is showing great courage going against his own party just to do what is right.

  16. After watching this video i learned that peter king wants to help the hurricane sandy victims. The republican party arent helping in anway thats why peter king is going against his party. They are turning down the bill to give money to those who were impacted during the hurricane. Many people still aren't able to live in their houses. These people need all the help they can get because its the right thing to do. peter king is doing the right thing and speaking out.

  17. Peter King wants to help out sandy hurricane victims with economic aid. Unfortunately the other republicans are not willing to go along with his plans. I would not understand why the government is so against the idea of helping others, Specifically the republicans

  18. All King wants to do is help the victims of hurricane Sandy with economic aid so they can come home and rebuild. It is wrong that Congress has denied them aid

  19. After watching the video and reading the articles I am on the side of Peter King. His economic plan sounded very useful and I believe that King was right to go against his own party and argue with John Boehner for the $60 billion that should be going towards helping Hurrican Sandy victims. I support King along with Cristie and Cuomo who also are trying to help the funding of Hurricane Sandy victims.

  20. The videos show the concern of certain politician for the people affected by hurricane sandy, it's also showing the opposite side which is how little the government cares.
    Peter king along with Chris Christie are going against their party members to show how much they care for the victims, I personally believe the victims of hurricane sandy should be helped financially since some of them don't even have their own homes at the moment
