Sunday, October 7, 2012


This Assignment will Count as an EXAM GRADE ....


PROJECT MUST BE TYPED!!!! Make sure you use the format of the United States Constitution as seen on page 775 of your textbook... Any Questions Regarding this please leave in the comment area below.

Students will be able to interpret the parts of the Constitution and use it as a template to create one for their school. This will show complete understanding how the Constitution creates the structure of the government, limits power, and protects the people.

You are to create a Constitution for St. Edmund High School. This document must be followed by Principals, teachers, and students. Your Constitution will consist of 3 articles. Under each article there will be certain criteria you must create.
Article 1: Administration
·         What qualifications should be required
o        Age
o        Education
o        Experience
o        Term limit
·         What responsibilities should an administrator be responsible for
o        Teachers
o        Rules
o        Scores of school
o        Discipline
o        Meeting with students, families, teachers
o        Summer responsibilities

Article 2: Teachers
·         What qualifications should be required
o        Age
o        Education
o        Experience
o        Term limit
·         What outside school responsibilities should teachers be required to preform

o        Hall Duty
o        Lunch Duty
o        Tutoring
o        Sports
o        Clubs
o        Summer School responsibilities

·         What should be required of teachers in the classroom
o        Grades
o        Test scores
o        Lesson plans

Article 3: Relations
·         How will rules be passed?
·         What issues would administrators address (students, teachers, etc)
·         What issues would teachers address (students)

You must also include a “Bill of Rights” that students should possess in this school. This will consist of 10 individual rights that students possess. Think of rights that you think you all should have now.

Some things to keep in mind:

“ What are the jobs of the Principals, teachers, and students?”
“ What issues should the Principals deal with? Teachers? Students?”
“What rights should the students have? Teachers? Principals?
“What should be the qualifications to be a teacher? Principal? Enrolled student?”