Thursday, September 13, 2012

Please read the following articles and explain the conflict that has occurred and how the event is now being discussed by Romney and Obama. Please explain if the the articles have different views about the attacks and if so how? (conservative, liberal, neither)|utmccn=%28referral%29|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/&__utmv=238145375.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc|politics|politics=1^12=Landing%20Content=Mixed=1^^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Earned%20to%20Mixed=1&__utmk=265046604&__utma=14933801.237494944.1347566182.1347566182.1347566182.1&__utmb=14933801.4.10.1347566182&__utmc=14933801&__utmx=-&__utmz=14933801.1347566182.1.1.utmcsr=%28direct%29|utmccn=%28direct%29|utmcmd=%28none%29&__utmv=14933801.|8=Earned%20By=msnbc|cover=1^12=Landing%20Content=Mixed=1^^30=Visit%20Type%20to%20Content=Earned%20to%20Mixed=1&__utmk=111196804


  1. I don't think the articles have different views on the attack, but Obama and Romney have different views on the attack. The articles were similar, but a couple of them focused on Romney more and the others focused on Obama more.

  2. The conflict is Egyptians were insulted by a video made by an American bashing the prophet mohammad. To fight back four men attacked the U.S consulate killing the U.S ambassador and staff. In the articles they dont have different views its just Obama and Romney going back and forth. One thing said in the fox article by Republican Peter King who is the chairman of the House Homeland Security committe was " If egypt is not an ally, why do we continue to give them billions of dollars"

  3. In Egypt the main conflict was that, the Egyptians felt personally attacked by the video made by an American that insulted the prophet mohammad. Four Egyptians fought back by attacking the U.S ambassador and the staff. They were arrested for what they did. I don't think the articles have different views. In the articles, Romney critized Obama and then Obama fired back. They basically went back and forth debating on what each one said.

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    1. The issue that was going on in Egypt, was that the Egyptians felt that they were being rediculed, because the American made a video saying crude things about their prophet mohammad. In retaliation, the four men attacked the U.S consulate killing the ambassador. Romney issued that Obama did not handle the situation properly or not at all in his case, he basically was just bashing Obama on what he was doing wrong, and Obama just answered back and said that Romney is wrong.

  5. I think the main conflict in Egypt was that , the Egptians felt attacked by the video. So the four Egptians decide to get revenge and attacking the U.S ambassador . I feel like social media causes so much fights in general. I think the articles have different views on attack . obama and romney had different views. some focused on rommeys and others on obamas .

  6. In Egypt the conflict was that they were upst over a video posted by an American. In the video there were things said that should not have been said. Mitt Romney went out and said that President Obama did not handle the situation the right way. The Egyptians did answer back to us Americans by attacking us. Romney was trying to show people that the president did not take the right approach to this situation.

  7. The conflict between American and Egypt is not the whole countries fault. Egyptians had felt personally affected by the video made by Americans and a few Egyptians took it upon themselves and killed the U.S ambassador and the staff. I believe the article don't have different views. Romney critized and Obama went back at Romney and defended himself. Both Romney and Obama went back and forth with one another critizing each other.

  8. The attacks in Egypt and Benghazi, Libya obviously represent the anger of those radical muslims displeased with the viral video. The reactions given by Romney and Obama were vastly different. It is a little displeasing to hear Obama and Hillary Clinton so strongly saying that this video was not cleared by the white house. Of course the video was not cleared, but this does not justify the actions of the killings in Benghazi. Romney spoke about standing by the morals of our Constitution which to me is absolutely correct. The time for explanation about the video is later on, right now revenge is necessary.
    I also felt that the articles were different in the Fox news does of course look at the attacks from a more republican bias, and CNN from a liberal bias. This is bound to change the outcome of retaliation depending on which party is in control of administration, (in this case Democrats).
    I completely anticipated Obama taking time off to calm down the American public; (but then again my biased Republican beliefs would be to retaliate immediately...)

  9. the issue going on in egypt has an effect on the people living there, as well as it having an affect on us. Egypt felt as if they were being attacked when the flag was being burned. the comments the americans made about their god was un called for, but that was no reason to kill the us ambassador along with other innocent americans. Both obama and Romney went back and forth arguing with each other. Romney spoke out and criticized obama, but obama had no problem going right back at Romney.

  10. The articles were about the attack and killing of four Americans in Libya. They also spoke about the destruction of the US flag in Egypt. Both these events were triggered by an American made video that insulted the prophet Muhammad. Mitt Romney spoke out about this issue and said that he didn't believe President Obama handled the situation well. Obama responded by saying that Romney didn't really think before speaking. I believe all the articles spoke about both sides pretty well. They didn't really take a position on the issue of what should've been done after the attack.

  11. The conflict I believe is the Egyptians got insulted by the american made movie video of an American bashing the prophet mohammad. To get back at the U.S, four men attacked the U.S killing the U.S ambassador and others. There's no different views besides of Obama and Romney firing back and forth. Republican Peter King (Chairman of the House Homeland Security) said " If egypt is not an ally, why do we continue to give them billions of dollars"

  12. The issue that is going on in Egypt was stirred up due to the unhappiness of some Egyptians over a video that went viral. The matter was taken very rapidly into the hands of Egyptians costing the lives of U.S ambassador and other Americans. The discussions between Romney and Obama are very different in that both disagree with each others standings. Romney does not like the way President obama handled the situation. Romney believes that the constitution and the rights to our morals is what is important at this point. I agree with him and that these acts were not right in regard to American morals.I do feel that the articles have different views being that some take a more liberal stance and some a more republican view.

  13. Obama is approaching the attacks with a peaceful mind where as Romney says we should stick to the constitution and seek revenge. CNN seemed more liberal in giving the feel that Obama had the best decision where as Fox was more conservative and NBC seemed to be the least biased speaking equally about Obama and Romney.

  14. The conflict is the killing of four Americans in Libya. This happened because of an American who made a video that insulted the prophet Muhammad. Romney does not believe President Obama handled the situation correctly. Obama obviously disagreed with Romney and both just argue back and forth.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. The conflict is over someone from the U.S. that insulted Muhammed. As a result of this four people from Islam decided to burn the American flag and started to riot. I do not believe that the stories are different. I believe that the stories sound different because of Obama and Romneys different reactions to the actions.

  17. I have read all the articles-I have heard what president obama said and I have heard what mr.romney has said. I will tell you this they are not alike on any issue, everything it seems that President Obama sugeests even if its for the best-will not be accepted. Please understand that the president has to look out for all the american citizens-especially aboard-he cannot speak harashly while we have millions of americans in different countries-Mr. Romney wants to throw words to make matters worst-his values and beliefs are very different from the president and others.
    In conclusion president obama stated that the u.s believes in all religions, but will not tolerate any disrespect or killing of american citizens-the killers will be brought to jusitice. Mr. Romney only talked and bashed president obama, he never offered any solution for this issue or concern.

  18. In these articles of "killing of Americans in Libya" had been announced, and was investigating that a militant groups planned this attack that killed four Americans and going to hunt them down and punish the killers. Furthermore, an american posted a you-tube video that ridiculed and disgraced Muslims, making fun of the prophet Mohammed as a "child molester", and a "womanizer" and also a "killer". State Department Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy, said the attack on Tuesday was been planned because it was so "extensive". In this attack there was six things that happened, but the most thing was because of the you-tube video in the U.S.
    When the United States, found out, President Obama said " we will make no mistakes, and justice will be done". The two president agreed to work closely in this investigation, and Obama is reaffirming out supports for the murder of the Ambassador.
    The reason why Obama was very quite on this attack because it was on the Anniversary of September 11, when the United States got under attack, and he didn't want anyone to worry. In Libya, they arrested the 4 killers, and now they are in custody and will be interrogating them of the helping of the attack!
    For Romney criticism of Obama, of the response to embassy attacks is unnecessary! In my opinion he needs to stop making fun or making rude remarks, and get more involved on our country! To me it seems Romney only cares to make fun, instead of stepping up and see what he can do of the killings of 4 Americans in Libya!

  19. I don't feel like the articles had such different views on the attacks maybe some small differences but not much. But I did see a little bit of bias in the articles. Fox 5 in there article tends to be bias towards the republicans. CNN seemed to be more on the liberal side. While yahoo seemed to fall in the middle. All of these articles did seem to lean towards some side of the political spectrum.

  20. Personall In all my honest opinion I can't see a difference in both just the opinions, like many people ovcourse look at things in a more liberal way though so CNN I think was really liberal. Yahoo lacks so much on what they do it's like no there bi in there opinions I mean either way we all know if we go by people's opinons there will be a conflict each time.
